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About Testleaf

Selenium Training Institute in Chennai
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Who we are?

TestLeaf started up in 2009, and we’ve been on an epic ride ever since. From our beginnings as an training company, we’ve tried to stay true to our core beliefs and to deliver an exceptional learning experience and job support for our customers and learners.

We are an pure play development, test automation and dev-ops training and consulting factory, and we love what we do. It’s who we are. As an agile team working side by side, we aspire for the designed life: a place where work, life and inspiration are all equal and integrated organically.

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Our Mission

To make the training more transparent at of best quality and less costlier. Today we provide the most actionable training in the industry. We want to make this training and consulting available to as many people as possible (not just the top 5%).

We owe a huge thanks to our alumnus community for joining us on this awesome journey for more than a decade, and we hope that you’ll continue to be a part of our story.

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What our learners says about us
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